Talking Circle & Mentoring

Talking Circle:

UNESCO BMW has provided wellness practices to thee comunity of Frederick since 2014. Each Talking Circle session is 2 hours long and designed to support and uplift the self confidence, self worth and general satisfaction of the targeted Frederick County ACE population in 6th to 8th grade school hierarchy


  • Increase confidence and self esteem in the targeted audience
  • Create a safe environment in which participants can share their point of view and feel respected
  • Understading and connecting each other so that we can have a better sense of inclusion


UNESCO BMW uses the time tested platform of the Talking Circle as follows:

  • Participants sit in a circle. The circle symbolizes completeness
  • Review ground rules with participants. For example:
    • Everyone’s contribution is equally important
    • State what you feel or believe starting with ‘I-statements,’ e.g., ‘I feel …’
    • What is said in the circle stays in the circle
  • A stick is used as a talking object
  • When the talking object is placed in someone’s hands, it is that person’s turn to share his or her thoughts, without interruption. The object is then passed to the next person in a clockwise direction
  • Whoever is holding the object has the right to speak and others have the responsibility to listen
  • Everyone else is listening in a non-judgmental way to what the speaker is saying.
  • Silence is an acceptable response. There must be no negative reactions to the phrase, “I pass”
  • Speakers should feel free to express themselves in any way that is comfortable; by sharing a story, a personal experience, by using examples or metaphors, and so on

Outcomes Expected:

  • Before and After 1-10 Scale measure [ higher number indicates greater achievement ]: 80% of the participates will have a number of 7 or higher for self-confidence, self-worth and life satisfaction
  • Before and After 1-10 Scale measure [ higher number indicates greater achievement ]: 80% of the participates will have a number of 7 or higher in having respect for the diversity of cultures and races



Be inclusive of all race, age and gender… Bring enthusiasm, fun and human connection…B e specialized and competitive

What is Business Mentoring?
Extract from Empowered Women International, Mentor Guide and Guidelines 2020

Business mentoring is counsel, advice and support provided by experienced entrepreneurs and business professionals to emerging entrepreneurs in a structured relationship.

It offers the entrepreneur an opportunity for an ongoing and supportive relationship with an experienced businessperson concerned with her success and able to open doors to information and other resources to help the business grow.

Mentors are: Coaches, Guides, Role Models, Advocates, Motivators, Supporters

Mentors are NOT: Professional Counselors, Social Workers, Financiers

Mentor Relationships should NOT possess the following qualities:

  • Solicitation for individual financial gain
  • Unrealistic expectations about the other party is able to contribute, including deliverables and time dedication
  • Delivery of information that one is unqualified to give


Benefits of Mentoring Learning new things about yourself Satisfaction of passing on knowledge Contributing to the success of your mentee Acquiring new knowledge Increased self­-­­esteem, self­-­­confidence and affirmation 8 Qualities of a Good Mentor √√ Willingness to share skills, knowledge and experiences √√ Positive attitude √√ Enthusiasm, helping the mentee identify their strengths and promote their self–­-­ ­-­ ­esteem √√ Provides guidance, realistic advice and constructive feedback √√ Values the opinions of others √√ Good listener √√ Help with goal-­ ­­setting, suggest possible courses of action and support the mentee in making choices √√ Be a sounding ­­board for ideas and problems √√ Offer a consistent and non-­ ­judgmental relationship √√ Offer encouragement, optimism and hope Join us!